
Accessibility Advisory Committee

The City of Kimberley is recruiting members for its Accessibility Advisory Committee. The Accessibility Advisory Committee champions, informs and provides feedback to City Council and staff on a range of City initiatives, programs and services through an accessibility lens.

To be eligible to participate, you must be a resident or elector of the City of Kimberley. Six volunteer members will be selected to reflect the diversity of persons in Kimberley. The Committee will include members who are persons with disabilities or who support, or are from organizations that support, persons with disabilities. At least one member of the committee will be Indigenous. Priority will be given to applicants with lived experience who meet the membership criteria. 

If you are interested please submit a Volunteer Application Form to Maryse Leroux at Applications will be accepted until all positions are filled.

The Committee’s responsibilities will include: 

  • Advise the City in the development of and updates to its Accessibility Plan;  
  • Advise Council as it establishes priorities, develops policies and plans, and implements programs related to accessibility;  
  • Assist the City with identifying barriers related to civic infrastructure including municipal services and online resources;   
  • Advise the City on a process for receiving comments from the public on the City’s accessibility plan and barriers to individuals in or interacting with the organization; and  
  • Other matters as referred by Council.