
Use our new interactive and comprehensive mapping tool! It contains information about your property and your community.

Using the web map, you can:

  • Access property information
  • View planning and development information, such as zoning
  • Explore parks and trails in Kimberley
  • See snow removal priority routes
  • View utility data
  • And much more

Link to web map

Please note that this mapping tool is for information purposes only. Always obtain the location of underground utilities before digging. See BC 1 Call at to submit a Locate Request for electrical, communications, and gas utilities. Municipal (water, sewer, storm) utility information is a viewable web map layer to help plan your projects. For municipal utility Locate Requests or other information on this map, please email at least 48 hours before digging. 

Are you looking for more information on a property in Kimberley? You can visit BC Assessment for assessment value and more. 


© 2024, City of Kimberley. All Rights Reserved.

The preparation of this project was carried out with assistance from the Government of Canada and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.  Notwithstanding this support, the views expressed are the personal views of the authors, and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities and the Government of Canada accept no responsibility for them.


Scroll to #official-community-plan-(ocp)


Follow the link below to view the complete City of Kimberley Official Community Plan. 

Official Community Plan Bylaw 2600

Scroll to #2024-major-capital-projects

2024 Major Capital Projects

The City Operations and Engineering Department is thrilled to introduce our brand-new Story Map, which showcases 2024's Major Capital Projects taking place this summer in Kimberley! Stay informed with regular updates on project start and end times and how the work may affect residents. 

You'll find details on road enhancements, infrastructure upgrades, and park developments. This list will be revisited regularly to ensure you have the most current information at your fingertips.

Check it out now and see what's in store for Spring/Summer 2024!

2024 Major Projects Story Map