
Community Grants Policy and Application Forms

It is the policy of the City of Kimberley to consider, within its financial capacity, financial support to registered community organizations within the City. This support is provided in recognition of the value these organizations provide to the well-being and vibrancy of the community and in helping the City retain a strong community focus.

The City recognizes that supporting volunteer community-based organizations is fundamental to maintaining our quality of life. The City thereby budgets an amount not exceeding 2% of the municipal tax levy annually to the Community Grants Program. The goal of this policy is to establish open and transparent guidelines for the evaluation and distribution of Community Grants. 

Please see the full Community Grants Policy for more information. (Amended October 2023)

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BC Winter Games Legacy Grants

Applications are no longer being accepted for this grant stream for 2024. Check back in early 2025 for the next intake. 

BC Winter Games Legacy Funds were received from the proceeds of the 1980 and 2008 BC Winter Games and the 2018 BC 55+ Summer Games. Previously administered by the Kimberley and District Community Foundation, the City of Kimberley took over the program in 2020.

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2024 Community Project/Event Grant Program

Applications are no longer being accepted for the 2024 grant year. Check back in the Fall 2024 for the next intake. 

Please note that the 2024 Project/Events Grants process has changed. The City will no longer offer in-kind grants in the same way. Applicants will still be eligible to apply for City staff time and equipment, however, grants will be awarded as cash only. If City staff time and equipment is required, organizations will book through the Parks and Facilities Department and will be billed directly after the conclusion of their event. In order to make calculations of City staff time and equipment needs, please review the Recreation Facilities Rental Rates Bylaw No. 2579 to calculate the required cash amounts. Please contact with questions.

Final Reports

The 2024 Final Report Form is available below. Feel free to submit at any time prior to submitting an application for 2025 projects. If you received a 2024 Community Grant, this form will be due by Wednesday, October 30th, 2024 at 4:00 p.m.  

2024 Community Grant Final Report Form

All Applications and Final Reports can be forwarded to:

Pamela Walsh, Manager of Communications & Community Development, 340 Spokane Street, Kimberley, BC, V1A 2E8, Email:

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Jack Ratcliffe Commitment to Community Award 

The Jack Ratcliffe Commitment to Community Award was developed in 2020 to honour a person or persons who has made or is making a significant contribution to making Kimberley “A good place to be,” through their time, actions, dedication, and/or talents. Named after inaugural award recipient, Jack Ratcliffe, the award will be presented yearly to an eligible individual or individuals who selflessly enhance the quality of life for the community and its residents.

The yearly recipient(s) will meet the following criteria:

  • Made a significant impact on the community through extensive volunteer time commitments;
  • Contributed talent, energy and skills to support community growth, visibility and/or opportunities;
  • Must be a resident(s) of Kimberley (no age restriction);
  • Must have made a long-term commitment to the community (at least 3 years)

2023 Application Form



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Individual Travel Expense and Discretionary Grants

Both Individual Travel Expense Grants and Discretionary Grants can be applied for throughout the year. Forms can be found here: 

Individual Travel Expense Grant Application Form

Discretionary Grant Application Form

Standing Grant Reporting

Standing Grant Reporting Form

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